Wednesday, September 22, 2021


I was so bored. What should I do? My work? No way! I'm too tired of that. "Let's do some cooking" mum said. Perfect! We got all the ingredients and started baking. My siblings joined in. My dad was busy to help but I knew he would come when to eat. We had decided to make sugar cookies. I poured and mixed things until I got the mixture we needed. What was my favourite bit? My favourite bit was stuffing the dough in the mold and popping it out on the tray. Here are pictures of the whole process. 



  1. WOW those cookies delioues and yummy wish I could have some I liked looking at the photos it looks like you love baking keep it up bye !.

  2. Hi Bella! Thanks for the comment. I want to see your blog.

  3. umm my blog is private but maybe I could send you photoshoots of my post enstead if you wanted . bye and no promblam I saw you had no comments on this post so I decidid to comment . Bye

  4. Hi Bella. I'm very very sorry that I didn't see you replyed to me. Yeah I would love that!
