Monday, November 22, 2021

Class Weaving


Class Weaving

On Friday, the 19th of November we did weaving in our class. We did some weaving because it was for our science work. All the people who wanted to weave the pattern that our student teacher made went under the fale. Some people wanted to make their own weaving so they stayed in the class and looked up on youtube to find some ideas. We were all given 4 stripes of coloured paper. We were allowed to take more stripes if you were in the class. I picked blue and purple. Some people weaved out cool looking patterns. I found a video about how to weave a  fish. It was really hard but I worked it through. It looked cute.



  1. Hi Charmy I love that fish you made it's very nice and the two colours match very well with each other . 🤩🤩 Did you have fun making it . bye

  2. Hi Bella, yes I had fun making it. Thanks so much for the comment. Bye!
